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  • 雙驅動地板研磨機

    850LE雙驅動地板研磨機 850LE是一款遙控式金剛石地板研磨機,適用於大型,中型商業或住宅項目中的混凝土,環氧樹脂,水磨石,大理石和石材等。它配備了新一代的智能遠程控制系統和雙驅動電機,智能化並且更加堅固,更適合惡劣的地面。 更多

  • 遙控混凝土研磨機

    800-4E高效遙控混凝土研磨機 800-4E是一款智能高效的混凝土粉碎機,配有遙控裝置,可以實現一定距離的機器操作,提高了工作效率,使操作人員更加方便。 更多

  • 自走式研磨機

    800LE自走式砂輪機和多功能磨光機 800LE是一款傑出的地板研磨機,具有完美的外觀和超強的研磨效率。 具有強大的磨削力和穩定的性能,帶有自動驅動系統和四頭行星旋轉盤,是興義最暢銷的地板平面磨床之一,可確保地板工人高效高效地完成工作。 更多

  • 行星對轉式混凝土研磨機

    620混凝土地面研磨機 620是經典的方形混凝土地面研磨機。 帶有集成齒輪箱,具有穩定的運行性能和均勻的磨削效果。 配有可拆卸的電機和機架,可以方便地包裝和運輸 更多

  • 邊角研磨機適合家用

    250D小型混凝土角磨機 XY-250D是專業的地板磨邊機,它可以有效地研磨油漆,塗料,粘合劑,環氧樹脂和油泥,它由110V和220V單相供電,可用於建築和家庭使用,是地板工人進行角工作所必不可少的機器 更多

  • 旋風設計工業吸塵器IVC-55A

    旋風設計工業吸塵器IVC-55A 使用Cyclone工業吸塵器IVC55A,您可以使工作環境更舒適,並遠離灰塵。 更多

  • 坦克石系統
    • June 02, 2018

    坦克石系統 1.用磨床對錶面進行平整,同時清潔並檢查地板狀況。 2.灌注 3.Installing divider strips 4.Paving tank stone mixture. 5.Grinding repairing and polishing with HTG-088-4B. 6.Crystallization with HTG-MS-02A and HTG-MS-02B. Finally sharing you with a shinningflat floor. Anything need call Jane Ling with the 0086-159607878816(wechat/whatsapp)

  • 興義市新寧平板系統技術交流會
    • May 27, 2018

    硬地也可輕鬆拋光成鏡 - 興義“新寧平板系統技術交流會”於2018年進入陝西西安。 介紹 陝西省西安市作為中國西部重要的中心城市,也是全國“一帶一路”的核心區域。 這是為了促進無塵,健康的工作環境,更有利於提升凝固技術對中西部市場的影響。 為促進西安客戶的交流,2018年5月23日,陝西省對拋光工藝有了更全面的了解。 “超美地坪系統 ”由“興義企業”組織,由“西安硬彩實木地板裝飾工程有限公司”聯合主辦。 地板系統技術交流會“進入陝西西安! 西安交流會的內容主要是談“如何努力營造清潔健康的工作環境”。 理論部分是“ShinningFlat地板系統介紹”和“無塵研磨的重要性”; 實際部分是:“混凝土地面翻新”。 【交流會場】 Ms. He Yu, Director of Domestic Sales of Xingyi Enterprise, is the training instructor. 地板結構堅固,重,地板灰塵是呼吸系統疾病的原因之一。 因此,如何使勞動力不致命已成為興義企業不斷思考的重要問題之一。 正是基於這一理念,興義實施了“讓全球人民健康,放鬆,樂於工作”的使命作為企業使命,在全球範圍內推廣“白金水晶地板系統”,讓更多人了解重要性 “無塵健康”。 混凝土地板,通常被稱為水泥地板,比剛玉和水磨石更容易受到損壞,使用時間老化和風化,或對外力或化學或油性的摩擦或衝擊。 在侵蝕下出現粉塵和打磨。 而且,未經處理的普通混凝土地板不能滿足現代工業環境的要求,因此混凝土地面的固化已成為一種流行趨勢並且已經變得非常流行。 [專業操作打樣 - 混凝土地面改造] 混凝土地面改造前:地面較硬,測得的硬度值大於5度; 測得的混凝土強度值為28mpa; 地面平整度不好,高差大,不均勻; 地面風化導致灰燼,地面不光澤,測得亮度值為1.2; 面對很多洞,並出現裂縫。 Before curing - hardness is 5~6 △ After Hardening - strength is 28mpa △ Before Hardening- luminosity is 1.2 △ 固化施工需要解決問題:提高地面的平整度和光澤度; 修復臉部的洞和裂縫。 地面採用超美地坪拋光系統的凝固施工工藝流程進行處理 Ground Repair - Machine Grinding Repair △ 混凝土液體硬化劑滲透HTG-EC-N01。混凝土地板經過改造後:硬化後的混凝土硬化劑和地面研磨機經過機械拋光處理後,混凝土固化表面表面緻密,質地清晰,不起砂 獲得。 混凝土固化地面美觀整潔,地面裂縫和孔洞完美修復。 而且,地面具有良好的光滑度,光澤度明顯提高。 有超過80度,地面看起來像鏡子一樣明亮。 固化後 - 光度為82.2△ 如何將灰水泥地板變成光滑明亮的美麗表面作為鏡子,雖然先進的固化工藝支持,地板材料的選擇也特別重要:我們選擇混凝土液體硬化劑HTG-EC-N01。 它穿透硬化的地板。 無毒,無味,不易燃。 它符合VOC環保要求。 它可以通過化學反應顯著提高混凝土的強度和硬度,大大提高混凝土的耐化學性,達到密封和防塵的作用。 與此同時,對地板使用者的“無塵健康”的需求也越來越多。 地板機械的不斷完善,興義企業從未停止過。提升了“清潔健康的工作環境”。 興義在全球範圍內開展了一系列關於“ShinningFlat地板系統”的交流。 我們希望更多的人能夠更多地了解地板固化過程,以便我們共同努力,創造一個更“無塵”的地板未來 攜手共創美好未來 感謝西安硬彩古地坪裝飾工程有限公司董事長王樂先生的支持 和陝西同行的熱烈歡迎!...

  • 興翼
    • May 22, 2018

    將舊混凝土地板翻新成SINO固化地板 - 興義的“超美地坪地板系統技術交流會”於2018年進入河南鄭州。 地板行業已進入綠色環保時代。 為了給我們一個清潔健康的工作環境,同一層樓的同事之間進行更多的交流,並對醃製過程有了更全面的了解,同時興義推出了一系列的技術培訓--ShinningFlat地板系統技術會議遍布全國許多城市 在中國。 繼貴州,湖南,遼寧三省之後,興義的“新寧平板系統技術交流會”於5月19日進入河南鄭州。 興義舉辦的“超美地坪地板系統技術交流會”,在華嚴地板工程有限公司董事長朱仲岩先生的幫助下成功召開。會議主要關注固化過程,重點是如何製作“ 舊混凝土地板坪翻新成SINO固化地板“。 興義企業國內銷售經理葉麗華女士解釋了“ShinningFlat地板拋光系統”的理論知識 興義企業國內銷售總監何宇女士解釋了“無塵”磨削的重要性。 興義企業始終倡導“清潔健康的工作環境”,從地板機械的研發和創新到地板技術的不斷完善,打造完整的“超美地坪地板拋光系統”,並在全球範圍內開展。 促進讓更多場內人士了解“無塵健康”的重要性。 ShinningFlat Floor Polishing trainees focus on learning. In the new era when environmental protection has become the main theme, the curing process has been widely demanded. In addition to the new ground curing, the transformation of concrete, terrazzo, and emery ground, especially old epoxy, has become a trend. There is a large area of old epoxy floor that is waiting to be dealt with throughout the country, which makes the cured floor have a huge market in the renovation of the old epoxy floor. The proofing sample is an old epoxy floor that has been used for many years: there is a large area of ground surface that is flaking off, sanding and dusting; the ground is heavily worn and the stains are difficult to clean; there are many ground problems such as cracks and holes. This results in: unfavorable work to the workers, resulting in low production efficiency; poor cleaning of the ground, long time spent; poor corporate image, low customer trust, low probability of cooperation; epoxy floor needs frequent renovation and repair, and high cleaning and maintenance costs . The old epoxy floor is treated with the solidification construction process of the ShinningFlat Floor System 用增密劑HTG-EC-L01硬化表面 經過翻新和改造的混凝土地板:美觀整潔; 硬度,密度和亮度均有顯著提高; 地面不能沒有灰塵的沙子; 水,油和酸鹼的滲透可以延遲,清潔更容易; 幾年後,如光澤度下降,只需要再次拋光恢復,大大降低維護成本; 耐磨,長達30年。 Bright mirrored floor 在固化前後對比。面孔完美修復。 看到這樣一個美麗的地方,所有的ShinningFlat Floor學員都是來之不易的,我們的辛勤工作是值得的。 雖然我們在努力工作“努力營造乾淨健康的工作環境”,但我們非常高興! 同時,我們也特別感謝華嚴勤大師的全力配合! 在舊的環氧樹脂地板的翻新和翻新過程中,除了先進的地板工藝支持,先進的地板材料也是一個主要的吸引力:使用混凝土滲透液體固化劑FS-801(鉑金1號)它滲透和硬化 地面。 無毒,無味,不易燃。 它符合VOC環保要求。 它可以通過化學反應顯著提高混凝土的強度和硬度,大大提高混凝土的耐化學性,達到密封和粉塵的作用。 雖然環氧樹脂地板的使用非常廣泛,但可以在工廠車間,倉庫,地下停車場等處看到,但這恰恰說明了固化市場雄心勃勃的前景,因為人們“清潔和健康”。 對工作環境的重視是將舊環氧樹脂改造和改造成固化地板將不可避免地成為一種趨勢。 興義公司始終把“讓全球人民健康,放鬆,快樂”的使命視為自己的使命。 它致力於研究和開發創新和更先進的地板磨床,並推廣更先進的地板技術。 我們願與各位同仁攜手共創未來更加智能,環保的地板! 最後,非常感謝華嚴地板工程有限公司董事長朱仲淹先生。 和河南大家一起支持!...

  • 中國品牌日,亞太地板展為興義帶來禮品。
    • May 11, 2018

    中國品牌日,亞太地板展為興義帶來禮品。 5月10日,中國品牌日,第八屆亞太地板展成功舉辦,福建興義公司榮獲20強最佳地板機械品牌。 我們更注重品牌,品牌意味著更優質的產品和良好的服務,先進的技術和理念,品牌不僅是企業形象,也是企業生存和發展的關鍵。 因此,品牌尤為重要。 製造業轉變為創造,轉變質量,產品化為品牌。第20屆亞太地標品牌大會是對興義公司的認可,展示了公司實力。 興義的 願景:建設一個世紀的Xignyi,實現可信賴的企業。 使命:讓全球地板工作者在健康,放鬆和快樂中工作。 興義的價值觀 客戶至上,完美導向。 團結凝固,傾向於前進。 尊重和責任,尊重競爭。 興義的經營理念: 雙贏,誠信是翼! 興義的企業信念: 不斷創新技術,以獲得一致和穩定的產品! 興義的企業精神: 堅持不懈,精益求精; 超越自我,追求卓越; 培養一流,爭創新高峰! 興義的終極目標: 成為一家受人尊敬的公司!

  • 混凝土地板拋光
    • May 10, 2018

    現在在泰國興義。在混凝土染色中完成,後來我們將PK美國產品。 任何事都可以撥打0086-15960788816(wechat / whatsapp)給Jane Ling女士打電話。

  • 大理石,花崗岩地板拋光。
    • April 09, 2018

    在這裡,我們為這個樓層準備了大理石地板拋光機175AE,吸塵器AS60,拋光墊JA和化學品,而在1小時之後,地板像第二張照片一樣閃亮。 因此,對比,我們可以給你一個新的閃亮的地板。

  • Updated Industrial Vacuum Cleaner IVC-55L
    Updated Industrial Vacuum Cleaner IVC-55L
    • October 26, 2017

    Updated Industrial Vacuum Cleaner IVC-55L--With great feedback 1. Material of the filter is imported from Japan. The anti-dust-traping filter design is able clear the dirt and debris cleanly, and guarantees the strong suction of vacuum for long time using. 2. Patented turbe cyclone design to increase the air pressure. without angles obstruction in a smooth arc-shaped tank, the vacuum can save 60% of the energy and increase 50% of  the working efficiency, 30% of the dust clearing efficiency, and reduce 30% of the noise. 3. Low noise dba design. 4. Longopac dust collecting system allows fast disposal of dust and get a dust-free environment. 5. With lifting fuction 6.Consistant high air flow,  Less dust left on the floor, contributing to time savings and a healthier working environment

  • New edge grinder with ultra thin grinding plate design can go under table
    New edge grinder with ultra thin grinding plate design can go under table
    • May 28, 2017

    New edge grinder with ultra thin grinding plate design can go under table 1. High Precision grinding The anti-crash guiding wheels will adjust the directions according to the surface condition and the main wheels walking route, making sure the constant contact of the guiding wheels and the wall. Closer contact to the wall to meet the edging requirements  in commercial flooring. 2. Latest damping patent helps the even grinding on the surface. 3. Great operatibility Built-in leveling device monitor the surface levelness and the hight of the diamond tools, adjust the center of gravity of the machine and avoid the unilateral running. 4. Flexibility There are five adjusting angle ranges, two on both sides and one in the middle. 5.Ultra thin grinding plate design Hight from the top point to the surface is 10cm and allow the plate to enter under the table.

  • New Self-Propelled Concrete Floor Grinder HTG-900A
    New Self-Propelled Concrete Floor Grinder HTG-900A
    • May 28, 2017

    Biggest working width with seld-propelled function, you don,t need to worry about for efficiency of your workers any more. Workers will be very happy to work everyday now, and with self-moving skill can make sure that you could have perfect working effect in certain speed of machine.

  • Xingyi Remote Control Grinder HTG-800-4E and Self-Propelled Grinder HTG-800-4A
    Xingyi Remote Control Grinder HTG-800-4E and Self-Propelled Grinder HTG-800-4A
    • December 14, 2016

    Xingyi Remote Control Grinder HTG-800-4E: 1. Liberate the labor force and labor cost. 2. Enable higher production rate and output. 3. Imported driving motor, gearbox and Chip protect continuous work. 4. 30minutes battery life after power cut off for effortless transportation.   Xingyi Self-Propelled Grinder HTG-800-4A: 1. Self-propelled, no need operator to control machine ( except the turns), ease the labor force greatly. 2. Walking at setting speed with long battery life ( Machine can walk at setting speed at upward or downgrade slope. For example, if you make setting 10meter/min, machine will proceed base on the program instruction) 3. Built-in battery for easy handling. 4. Long battery life ( Charge 7 hours can walk 25 hours )  

  • Grinding machine and vacuum cleaner combination--XY-X600DC
    Grinding machine and vacuum cleaner combination--XY-X600DC
    • November 03, 2016

    Still faced the problem for the concrete dust collecting? Still bothered by using both grinding machine and vacuum cleaner for the higher cost?   Now, problems get solved, it is the show time of XY-X600DC. XY-X600DC is the combination of floor grinding machine and vacuum cleaner, it can collect the dust during grinding. What is more, the high efficiency for dust collecting will help to achieve the dustless construction environgment. Equpped with patented lever lifting design to disassembly the vacuum cleaner barrel with the wheel easily, strong tightness and excellent flexibility. The vacuum cleaner barrel is convenient to separate with the machine to clean the dust. Manual filter oscillating screen can help to remove most dust on the filter surface. This machine adopts the different switches for grinding machine motor and vacuum cleaner motor, more convenient to operate. Stable variable speed design: there is the gear-driven transmission case to operate the motor power completely; the inverter helps to increase the tiorque of rotation shaft when the machine operates at low speed. It can satisfy the requirements for different floor and grinding and polishing technical process, and increase the grinding and polishing function effect. Interated gear-box design increases the machine  wieght, so it can improve the efficiency to grind the uneven surface; Gear-box is made of alumium aloy, good for radisting without deformation. The motor connected with the gearbox directly to reduce the machine vibration, and meanwhile, reduc the noise and increase the grinding flatness. It is easy to operate to reduce the labor cost, even female workers can do; the extended handle guarantees even one person can change the pads easily. Adjustable rotating speed can satisfy the requirement for the renewing and grinding for different floor; the imported motor has the advantage of less vibration, less heat after long working time and strong to use for long time. The grinding plate connected with the samping system to improve the grinding force, and then increase the grinding efficiency and achieve the floor brightness easilier. Double oil sealer can help to solve the problems for the short lifespan and iol leakage of the tranditional grinding machine, and guarantees the machine's lifespan. Double vacuum tube design will improve the dust collecting efficiency. Higher safety:this machine used the 24V low voltage power switch; there are the motor overload protection system, electric leakage protection and phase failure protection system, also the IP67 grade watwerproof plug Higher precision gear processing, there are more proces to increase the gear teeth hardness, precision and connecting degree of the gears, and it will reduce the damage on the gear and noise when the machine operates at high speed. The bearings in the gearbox adopt the imported NSK bearings; the oil sealers are the imported TTO oil sealer.  

  • Xingyi High Tech Grinding Fast Vacuum Cleaner
    Xingyi High Tech Grinding Fast Vacuum Cleaner
    • March 28, 2016

    Xingyi High Tech Grinding Fast Vacuum Cleaner F60000 widely applys to various cleaning industry, such as textile mill, machinery factory,electronics factory, Powder coating factory, grinding processing factory, food factory,pharmaceutical factory,paper mill, chemical plant, machine package and the related equipment factory, dustfree workshop, metal processing,  shipbuilding, agricultural machinery and other places where need the strong suction, high-capacity and high quality. Equipped with the strong quiet turbo blower motor With strong   suction and large air flow rate, it have the excellent sunction function The specific cyclone dust removal patent(cyclone dealing in the barrel), will effectively filter the 80% dust produced by grinding and increase the lifespan of filter. he specific square suction inlet patent(cyclone dealing in the barrel) will decrease the noise produced by the air flow when working Japanese originally imported H degree filter replacing the traditional polyester bag filter, has larger filtration area, and will effectively filter the 99.9% 0.3 μm dust. The rotary stiring and shaking dust clear system will clear the dust by itself per 10 minites without stopping the machine 6m2  secondary filtering area solves the problem of secondary filtering damage caused by abundant air flow due to the  excessive  secondary filtering degree, also, there is gas-pressure meter, so it will reminded if the secondary filtering need to clear the dust according to the information on the gas-pressure meter Internationally applied 50mm suction inlet diameter Beautiful,  portable and durable, the strong steel barrel and metal frame guarantees the better impact and durability when operating. The noemal vacuum cleaner usually use the plastic frame, so it easily break if use for long time



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